Tuesday 10 August 2010

Convocation's Expo 2008, UUM

21st convocation ceremony held from 18 - 20 October 2008 in University Utara Malaysia.

Convocation's fair has opened beside the sports complex.

Unfortunately, these days are rainy days (downpour) had filled the street on convocation's fair.

Convocation's Expo 2008, UUM

Convocation's Expo 2008, UUM

Convocation's Expo 2008, UUM

Convocation's Expo 2008, UUM

Convocation's Expo 2008, UUM

Convocation's Expo 2008, UUM

Convocation's Expo 2008, UUM

Convocation's Expo 2008, UUM

Convocation's Expo 2008, UUM

War game in the rain!!

Ferris wheel in the fun fair!!

In the convocation's fair sells a variety of foods. Such as:

Variety of drinks
Skewer, French fries, and so on
Yummy sate
Pizza Hut

So many things can explore in Convocation's Expo, you surely cannot miss this expo every semester.

I hope you have fun at Convocation's Expo.