Seremban Siew Pau, which is a unique siew pau of Seremban.
Seremban Siew Pau (芙蓉烧包, 华师傅)
Price of Seremban Siew Pau is RM 1.10 in Seremban.
and the Pineapple Tart is RM 1.00.
There are many bakeries of Seremban Siew Pau, especially in Seremban, Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur.
If you are reach Seremban, you can try Seremban Siew Pau at Empayar Seremban Siew Pau City, where near to the new area of Seremban 2 (outside of Seremban town).
Empayar Seremban Siew Pow,
LG1-57, Tingkat Bawah Tanah,
Pasar Besar Negeri Sembilan,
Jalan Besar TBK 4, Taman Bukit Kepayang,
70200 Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan.
Tel: 06-6016308