For Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) new students A111, this is preparations before the day of registration:
- Fill in all forms in the website namely: Borang Biodata pelajar
- Make payment fees according to the amount of fees as prescribed by the Bendahari UUM on a Bill Payment Slip of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) at least three days before registration day.
- Undergraduate Student Fees Effective from First Semester 2011/2012 (A111)
- Please be sure to bring a copy of the bill payment slip have been printed by the bank to avoid any problems during registration.
- You are advised to keep copy of bills payment slip properly until graduation.
- Two copies of identification card
- Two copies of parent identification card
- Two copies of parental retirement card / Form J / income verification
- Two copies of letter offer of admission to the IPTA
- Two copies of results SPM / STPM / STAM / Diploma / Matriculation
- Two approval study leave letter and declaration letter by Head of Department (If the civil servants)
Prepare four recent photographs to be affixed on student personal file and the attached forms
(Information from UUM)